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To say that music is for everyone is not a philosophical statement, but a scientifically sound one. As long as there have been humans, there has been music. 

Each of us is neurologically programmed to respond physically, cognitively, and emotionally to it. Music is in our heartbeat, in our footsteps, in the cadence of a parent playfully calling for their child. The first connective communication we engage in as infants is musical and improvisatory in nature. 

And yet… over generations our individualist society has convinced us that musical expression is only for a precious, “talented” few. We assign shame to anyone who tries to express themselves musically but “fails.” We laugh at people who bomb their American Idol auditions and we worship those who blow judges away.  Adults walk through the world refusing to sing because of comments they received as children. That's trash.

We launched You Be You to integrate our values of inclusion and accessibility to musical expression into community spaces and break barriers to participation. Music belongs to all of us, and childhood and adolescence is a crucial time to reinforce this truth as students are in the throws of identity formation. When we are nurtured in a safe creative space, we can all learn to express ourselves and our identities authentically through music. We can embrace imperfection as a part of the path towards musical fluency and learn to fall in love with the process.

Through long-term sequential programming for humans from birth-18 and adults, we seek to change the narrative and gatekeeping around who is worthy of musical expression. Our programs are social-emotional learning aligned, creativity-powered, and built on research that supports healthy identity formation. 

Race, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, gender identity, neurodivergence, ability, sexuality, and any other parts of who we are should never be barriers to accessing high-quality music education. Here, you can be you.

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